Modeling Specific Workflows Archives | LiquidPlanner Resource Management For Smart Teams Fri, 07 May 2021 19:26:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Modeling Specific Workflows Archives | LiquidPlanner 32 32 Managing Requests with the Intake Form Tue, 29 Mar 2016 21:56:09 +0000 A good intake process can make fulfilling a request or launching a new project much easier. In LiquidPlanner, you can

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issues form (small)A good intake process can make fulfilling a request or launching a new project much easier. In LiquidPlanner, you can add an Intake Form widget on a dashboard to allow team members or external guests to submit new items like urgent IT issues, client feedback, or project requests.

Before building an intake form, you may wish to familiarize yourself with Dashboards.

If external guests or clients will be using the intake form, you’ll want to ensure that the information and sharing settings of the dashboard are appropriate for that audience. Anyone that has access to the dashboard will be able to submit new items to the workspace via the intake form.

There are two parts to the Intake Form widget:

  • The form builder that allows you to configure the intake form.
  • The form widget that allows the end-user to submit their request as a new task or project.


Add an Intake Form Widget

1.  Navigate to a dashboard that you wish to add an intake form to.
2.  Click + Add Widget.
3.  Select Intake Form.
4. Click OK.


Configure the Intake Form Widgetissues form field options

1.  Add a title and description to help the requester understand the purpose of the intake form and how their request will be handled once it is received. You can also include instructions for the type of information that they should include on the form.

2.  Choose an option for the type of plan item the intake form will create:

  • Create a new task form – allows the requester to create a new unassigned task.
  • Create a new project form – allows the requester to create a new unassigned project.
  • Use a task or project as a template – duplicates an existing project or task and adds the information that is provided by the requester (see the “Use a Task or Project as a Template” section below for more details).

3.  Choose where you want the new item to be added. You can select any container (package, project, sub-folder) in the workspace. The new item will inherit the status (active, on hold, done) of this container. If no other container is selected, items created via the intake widget will be added to the Inbox.

4.  Customize the submit button label.  Once a requester completes the form, they will click a button to submit the form and create the new item.  Depending on the purpose of the intake form, you might label the button with “Submit Project Proposal”, “Report a Bug”, “Request New Hardware”, etc.

5.  Select fields to allow the requester to enter additional information about the item.  Field options include description, max effort, deadline, contract value (project form only), notes, and any custom task or project fields you have created in your workspace.

  • Hide – the field will not be shown on the form.
  • Optional – the field will be visible, but is not required upon submission.
  • Required – the requester must make a selection for that field in order to submit their request.

6.  Check the allow attachments option if you’d like requesters to be able to attach files to the item they are creating. These files will be added to the documents section of the new item.


Use Task or Project Templates

The “use a task or project as a template” option on the form builder allows you to select a project or a task to use as a base for the new items that are generated through the intake widget.

For example, let’s say that an IT department needs to complete the same set of tasks each time they set up a new employee. To manage these frequent requests, the IT manager creates a project template with tasks, estimates, checklists, custom fields, and other information pre-populated.

new hire template 2

Once she configures an intake form widget to use this template, any department can visit the IT team’s dashboard and fill out the form to submit a request for IT to set up their new hire.

new hire form

When the form is submitted, the original template project is duplicated and the information that was entered on the form by the requester is added to the new project. Since the IT manager follows the HELP DESK REQUESTS package, she sees the new request come in and is able to assign and prioritize the work.

new hire submit 2

The following fields from the template item are added to the new intake item by default: Notes, Documents, Tags, Links, Comments, Checklists, Delay Until, Deadline, Cross-Reference, Restricted Member Access.


Build a Queue

Once a requester adds an item via the intake form, they will see a green banner confirming that their request was received. For intake items that are created from a template, you can add an analytics table widget as a queue to show the priority and status of new requests.

issue queue 2
Remember that anyone who has access to a dashboard can see all widgets and information on that dashboard. Don’t build a queue if you will have multiple external clients using a single dashboard to submit requests and you wish to keep those clients’ requests private.

Filter by Location

Use this method if the items created by the intake widget will stay within a single container as they are being worked on:

1.  On the dashboard, add an Analytics Table widget.
2.  Filter by Location and select the location that the new intake form items are added to.
3.  Choose columns (like owners, description, finish dates, and any custom fields) to display status information in the table.

Filter by Tag

Some types of requests, like bug reports, are often moved to different containers as priorities change. If you expect that the request will be moved to a different location as part of your team’s workflow, you can add a unique tag, like #intakebug, to your template item on the Projects tab.  Now, every new request that is generated through the intake form will also have this tag, so you and your dashboard viewers will be able to track items as they move around the workspace.

1.  On the Projects tab, open the edit panel for the template item you are using with the intake form.
2.  Add a unique tag to the template item.
3.  On the dashboard, add an Analytics Table widget.
4.  Filter by Tag and select the tag that you added to the template item.
5.  Choose columns (like owners, description, location, finish dates, and any custom fields) to display status information in the table. Note: If you do not want the template item to appear in the table, you can build a custom status filter (done = false, on hold = false) to use in combination with the tag filter.

Tips for Managing Requests

When choosing a location for new items to land, consider who should be monitoring the incoming requests. The owner and followers of the container will receive an email notification when an item has been added*.  The owner can then assign a resource, add an estimate, and prioritize the request accordingly. Alternatively, you may wish to hold a short daily meeting to assign and estimate requests that land in the Inbox.

Once the request is fulfilled, make sure you have a process in place to notify the requester, if necessary, and close out the item by marking it done.

* Email notifications will be received if owners or followers have the “Project folder / package” option enabled in their notification settings.

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Modeling Ongoing Tasks Mon, 28 Mar 2016 15:42:18 +0000 Every organization has overhead work, which is the “stuff” you do all the time (e.g. admin work, meetings, staff support,

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Every organization has overhead work, which is the “stuff” you do all the time (e.g. admin work, meetings, staff support, etc).  It’s important to have visibility to the number of hours spent on that kind of work, but creating a new task in your plan every time you do this kind of work would just be unnecessary maintenance.

To model ongoing work in your plan, add a backlog package* called ONGOING TASKS. We use a backlog package since these tasks are not scheduled. Within that backlog package, create one task for each category of ongoing work:

*If you are using access controls and want your restricted members to use ongoing tasks, you’ll need to create an ongoing tasks project instead of a backlog package, and then grant restricted members access to that project.

Now, every time you do this kind of work, you can all log progress against the same task.  Each person can select the task in the plan, right-click, and select Log Progress on Timesheet.  Or, go to the Timesheets tab, click the Add button > Find Existing Item and locate the task in the pop-up list.

 Here are some things to note about this model:

  • Once you have an ongoing task on your timesheet you might want to pin it to the timesheet.  It will then appear on every future timesheet until you un-pin it.
  • We assign the Ongoing Tasks backlog package and the tasks themselves to a generic virtual member, to reinforce the fact that no one person is responsible for these plan items.
  • Any workspace member who logs time to an ongoing task will appear as an owner of a ‘done’ assignment on the task, and their name will appear in gray in the Owners column.
  • The tasks themselves are not estimated.
  • Each person’s daily availability setting should be reduced to account for the time you anticipate spending on the ongoing tasks.  This ensures that your availability for the core project work is accurate.
  • Rather than modeling meetings as an ongoing task, you may choose to set up recurring events in your workspace.  If your meetings are billable to a client, set up the recurring event in the relevant project folder so that hours logged roll up to the project.


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Modeling Recurring Tasks Using Delay Until Sun, 27 Mar 2016 15:44:05 +0000 A Delay Until date can be added to an item in order to prevent the item from scheduling until after a specific

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A Delay Until date can be added to an item in order to prevent the item from scheduling until after a specific date. Delay Until dates can also be used to help model recurring tasks by creating several tasks and then staggering delay until dates on each individual task.


In the example above, 12 hours of business process review work needs to be done each week for three weeks.

There is a high priority package called “Business Process Review”, and within that package, there is one task for each week’s  process review work.  Each task is delayed to the start date of the appropriate week.  These tasks are placed at the top of the plan to ensure that they will actually start on the delay date.

In the example above, the Business Process Review tasks are not part of any specific project.  If you have repetitive work that needs to be done for a project, be sure to associate the tasks to that project via the task Edit Panel.

Notice that the lower priority “Website Project” tasks are stretching out, as indicated by the interruption graphic in their schedule bars.  This tells you that these tasks will temporarily pause when a higher priority process review task is ready to go.  As you’d expect, the Website Project tasks take longer overall than they would if they weren’t  getting interrupted.

Partial-Day Events can also be used to model recurring work if the work should be scheduled at a set time, either weekly or bi-weekly.


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Delay Until
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Modeling Wait Time Scenarios Sat, 26 Mar 2016 15:49:12 +0000 There are two ways to model wait time in LiquidPlanner. Both methods free up your resources so they can work

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There are two ways to model wait time in LiquidPlanner. Both methods free up your resources so they can work on something else during the wait period.

Which method to choose?

  • Using Wait Time: When time spent waiting shouldn’t be included in a project’s remaining effort, then applying wait time to a dependency is the way to go. Set the number of days to wait, and LiquidPlanner will count them down automatically.
  • Using Virtual Members: When the hours or costs associated with waiting need to be accounted for in the project roll up, using a task assigned to a virtual member is recommended.

Both methods are described in detail below.

Adding Wait Time to a Dependency

You may have a task that cannot begin until a certain number of days have passed since another task was completed. In this case, set a delay on the dependency, or wait time.  This is helpful when you’re waiting on client feedback or for a machine to produce a part and you don’t want that “wait time” or “lag” to roll up to the remaining effort on your project.

To set a wait time on an existing dependency, go the Dependencies section of the Edit Panel for either task in the dependency.  In the “Wait Time” field, select the number of days or business days you want to delay the dependency.

  • “Days” are calendar days (includes weekend days)
  • “Week Days” are Monday through Friday (excludes weekend days)

Take a look at the example below.  Nadia and Megan are designing and painting a 3D printer. After Nadia designs the printer, she needs to send it off to be manufactured before Megan can paint it. Nadia knows this process will take at least 20 days, so she will set the wait time on the “Design 3D Printer/Paint 3D Printer” dependency relationship to 20 days:

Now, the “Paint 3D Printer” task will not be scheduled to start until 20 days after the “Design 3D Printer” task has been completed.

When the “Design 3D Printer” task is marked done, the dependency is satisfied and LiquidPlanner will begin counting down the 20 days of wait time. LiquidPlanner uses the number of days entered in the dependency Wait Time field and sets a Delay Until date on the subsequent task. This is why the delay until icon (arrow) is displaying in front of the schedule bar for the “Print 3D Printer” task below. Once 20 days have passed, Megan will be scheduled to start this task if she has no other higher priority work.

If you need to change the wait time duration after the predecessor task has been marked done, you can do so by selecting a new date in the Delay Until field of the edit panel.

When a milestone or event is the predecessor in a dependency with a delay, the wait time will start based on the event or milestone Finish [E], regardless of when the event or milestone is marked done.

Using a Task Assigned to a Virtual Member

When effort or costs associated with wait time need to be accounted for in the project roll up, then create a task to represent the wait time, estimate the effort to model the wait time between tasks, and connect tasks with dependencies as necessary. Create a virtual member that will own the wait time task.

Overdrive Scheduling can be handy to model a period of idle wait time, if you will have multiple wait time tasks occurring simultaneously, which are also assigned to the same virtual resource.

In the example below, the Manufacture 3D Printer task is forcing a delay between the Design 3D Printer and Paint 3D Printer tasks. The Manufacture 3D Printer task is owned by a virtual member called “Machine” and the effort for the task is rolling up to the project level.

A real member in the workspace needs to log progress on behalf of the virtual member and mark the task done when wait time is complete.


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Overdrive Scheduling Fri, 25 Mar 2016 15:52:11 +0000 The Overdrive option on the member availability setting tells the scheduling engine to turn off load balancing for that resource. The effect

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The Overdrive option on the member availability setting tells the scheduling engine to turn off load balancing for that resource. The effect is that all tasks assigned to an overdrive resource will start on the current date unless the task is pushed out by delays or dependencies.  Availability is still respected in terms of days of week and hours per day.

Daily Limits are ignored on items owned by Overdrive resources. A blue informational alert will appear on the plan item when a Daily Limit is applied to an overdrive resource.

Enabling Overdrive

Resources that have overdrive scheduling enabled are identified on the People tab member list in the availability column. Click on the member name to jump over to their profile and turn Overdrive on or off via the checkbox in the availability section:


To see the effect of an overdrive resource on scheduling, let’s look at a schedule with a virtual member called Contractor.  In the image below, overdrive is not turned on for the Contractor, so their work flows out as you’d expect — they needs to finish their higher priority task (Task 2) before their next task (Task 4) starts. The orange line shows that the expected finish date for the entire project is being driven by Task 8.


Now let’s take a look at that same plan with overdrive turned on for the Contractor virtual member.  Notice in the image below that they are now scheduled to start all of their tasks on the current day. Look closely at the timeline and you’ll see that the project will also be done sooner. The finish date for the project is now being driven by Eric’s work (Task 7), since the Contractor’s work will be completed earlier.


When to Use Overdrive

Use overdrive to model work that is being done by a pool of always-ready resources. In the example above, let’s suppose that we have engaged a team of contractors who have guaranteed us that somebody will be available to start each contractor task immediately when the task is assigned to them. We don’t know or care which specific contractor will do each task, so it’s easiest to assign all of those tasks to just one virtual member that is set to overdrive.

Availability still counts.  The availability setting on an overdrive resource tells LiquidPlanner how many hours per day that resource can put toward the assigned tasks.  This is no different than a non-overdrive resource. LiquidPlanner calculates a range of task finish dates in accordance with the task effort and the owner availability.  The difference is that other tasks assigned to the overdrive resource are not factored into the equation. This is demonstrated in the example below in which the Review Board resource has been set to overdrive, which allows us to model work being done simultaneously on two tasks.

Here is another example, where dependencies are used in conjunction with overdrive to model a process flow:

  • In the scenario above, Haley creates a proposal draft and sends it out to an external review board. The board must review the draft and get it back to Haley within 8 hours, at which point Haley must start creating the next draft. And so on.
  • We know that somebody is always available to start the review as soon as Haley hands off a draft. Again, we don’t know or care who will do each review, so it’s easiest to assign all of the review tasks to the same virtual member, which is set to overdrive.
  • Dependencies are used to ensure that one task can’t start until the previous task is finished.

Use overdrive scheduling to model work done by machines. Let’s say you need to account for the time it takes to print brochures, programs, and booklets at a nearby printing company. Since the printing company can print as soon as they receive an order, overdrive scheduling can be used to model a group of tasks scheduling at the same time.

To set this up, create a virtual member to represent the printing machines and enable overdrive scheduling in the virtual member profile. Next, assign each printing task to the virutal member machine and see how these tasks can overlap and schedule simultaneously. Use dependencies if the printing tasks cannot begin until another item is marked done.

If the machine(s) are not able to complete an unlimited number of tasks, it may work best to model machine work with a virtual team. For example, if there are 4 printers, create a virtual team that represents the availability of 4 printers by entering a multiplier at the end of the virtual team user name – an example is Printer(@x4). Visit Virtual Teams to learn more about setting up virtual teams.

Virtual vs. Real Overdrive Resources

In our examples above, the Contractor and Review Board are virtual members because they are external resources who should not have access to any part of the plan.

Since virtual members can’t sign into your workspace, don’t forget to log progress and/or update the estimates on tasks that are assigned to virtual members.

There might be cases where you’d prefer to use a real member instead of a virtual member.  For example, a full (or restricted) member might make sense if you want a trusted representative of an internal or external resource pool to sign into your workspace and make updates to all of the tasks assigned to them.  A portal guest makes sense if you want to collaborate with the person, but you need tighter control over what they can see and edit.


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Virtual Members
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Modeling Virtual Teams Thu, 24 Mar 2016 15:54:07 +0000 If you use LiquidPlanner, you already know about Virtual Members, the super-handy placeholder for tasks that you don’t want to assign

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If you use LiquidPlanner, you already know about Virtual Members, the super-handy placeholder for tasks that you don’t want to assign to real workspace members — like new hires or outside contractors.

A Virtual Team allows you to give a single virtual member the power (daily availability) of multiple virtual resources.


The scenario

  • Within your plan you have editing tasks that you farm out to an outside editing service.
  • Any number of people could be working on the same editing task at the same time.  The number of people working on the task will determine how quickly it gets done. 
  • Your editing service has promised that for each editing task assigned to them, they can dedicate 32 man-hours each day.  That represents 4 people, each with 8 hours daily availability.

The dilemma

  • You can’t represent all four editors as one virtual member, because a normal resource has a daily max availability of 24 hours.
  • You could create four different virtual members to represent those editors, but you don’t want to bother with tracking and updating their progress individually.

The solution

A virtual team! You create a virtual team in the same manner that you create a normal virtual member.  The difference is in the resource name:

  • In the image above, you see that a multiplier has been appended to the name of the virtual member:  (@x4)
  • That multiplier tells the scheduling engine that this virtual resource actually has 4 times the number of stated hours available each day.  In other words, 32 hours per day.
  • Any task assigned to this resource will get done 4 times faster than it would without the virtual team multiplier.

The caution

Assigning a task to a virtual team is only appropriate when that work truly can get done proportionately faster when more people work on it.  That is often not the case.  For example, you couldn’t get a nightly database backup to run faster by telling four people that they are responsible for it.


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Virtual Members

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Scrum and Agile Workflow with LiquidPlanner Wed, 23 Mar 2016 11:35:02 +0000 LiquidPlanner is an ideal solution for Agile projects. The video series below will show you how to set up your

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LiquidPlanner is an ideal solution for Agile projects. The video series below will show you how to set up your projects for Scrum, one of the most popular Agile methodologies.

Configuring your workspace

Watch this video to learn how to model your Scrum process in LiquidPlanner. We’ll go over Sprints, User Stories, Story Points, and all of the essentials to getting your workspace set up for Scrum.

If you’re an Agile team, you can set up your workspace structure in LiquidPlanner to model the way your team really works. Our sprint package structure is a combination of both priority and organizational package structures designed for teams who use an Agile workflow. This structure allows you to prioritize tasks from your backlog into your current sprint, as well as stage up work for future sprints. Keep an ASAP TASKS package at the top of the workspace for priorities that bubble up in urgency.

Managing your backlog

Once you’ve got your Scrum framework in place, you’re ready to learn how to organize your Epic Stories and how to triage bugs. These processes are necessary for developing and supporting your product.

Running your sprint

LiquidPlanner makes Sprint Planning, Daily Scrums, and Retrospectives a breeze. This tutorial ties all of the concepts together by walking you through a Sprint from start to finish.


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Bug Tracking in LiquidPlanner

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Bug Tracking in LiquidPlanner Tue, 22 Mar 2016 11:37:49 +0000 It’s possible to use LiquidPlanner to track bugs, either in addition to your current bug tracking software (via the API

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It’s possible to use LiquidPlanner to track bugs, either in addition to your current bug tracking software (via the API or Webhooks), or on its own. LiquidPlanner can be used exclusively for filing, tracking, verifying, and collaborating to resolve bugs – all without any outside integration.

Using LiquidPlanner to track bugs allows you to manage these items within the schedule, alongside other projects and tasks. Bugs can be assigned, estimated, and prioritized in relation to project work, based on their severity and impact. Bug reports can be submitted by creating a task from within the workspace, via Email Integration, or via Dashboards.

Submitting Bug Reports via Email

If workspace members add the Inbox email address to their contact list, anything that needs attention can be quickly and easily sent into LiquidPlanner.

When using email integration to submit bugs, the subject of the email becomes the task name. The body of the email (including screenshots, repro steps, or error messaging) appears on the Notes section of the task’s Edit Panel. Any documents attached to the email are automatically uploaded to the Documents section, ensuring that all relevant information stays with the task as it goes through the workflow.

To identify tasks that are bugs, we recommend using “Bug:” at the beginning of the task name (or email subject line). Once in the inbox, bugs are readily identified.

Submitting Bug Reports via Dashboards

Bug Reports can also be submitted into the workspace via an intake form widget on a Dashboard. To set this up, first configure the widget, designating where in the workspace the bug task will be added and which fields are hidden, optional, or required when the bug report is submitted. In the example below, the new task will be added to the Inbox, the Notes and custom fields “Bug severity” and “Bug type” have been made required fields, and attachments are allowed so they will be automatically uploaded to the Documents section of the task.

Bug Tracking via intake form, config

A widget configured as shown above will create the following intake form on a Dashboard:

Bug Tracking via intake, submission form

Workspace members and dashboard guests can easily submit a new bug into the workspace by clicking on the widget and filling out the configured Bug Submission form that opens.

To submit a task with more information pre-populated, such as estimates, owners, checklists and more, configure the widget to “use a task or project as a template.” Select a bug task template or an existing bug task in the workspace to use as a base for the new items that are generated through the intake form widget.

Managing the Inbox

After bugs are reported, they need to be evaluated and prioritized. As a best practice, have one or two team members follow the inbox to ensure that anything urgent is addressed immediately. It may also make sense for team members to meet regularly and review new items as a group – estimating, assigning, and prioritizing them on the spot. Depending on their severity, some might move into the current sprint while others get pushed to a staging sprint or even your backlog.

Bug Bashing

Assigning a bug to a developer generates an email notification, so they know right away when new work is assigned. With the priority established and all information provided on the task, the developer can jump into the My Tasks view on the Home tab and work through their tasks- one right after the other.

Viewing and Reporting

On the Projects tab, structure your sprint package so it’s easy to identify bugs included in the current sprint. Keeping them separate from other tasks like new features or tech debt makes it easier to view, analyze, and report on bugs as a group.

Establish custom project or task fields and tags to categorize bugs as well as convey information about their status. Use these features to build reports that measure and evaluate the impact bugs have on your product, the schedule, and workload. Filter the projects tab to see bugs more easily. Save the view as a favorite so you can refer to it quickly. Set up Dashboards to monitor the progress of these items.

Bug Tracking in LiquidPlanner

Collaboration and Communication

Because all comments, collaboration and activity are recorded on the task, it’s easy to follow the bug’s life cycle from the initial report to repro, through development and resolution. When LiquidPlanner is integrated with your source control system, code check-in notifications can be automatically added as comments on the bug’s task as well.

These tips will help keep the information organized on the task:

  • Use the description field to provide a concise summary of the issue.
  • Use the notes section to outline the repro steps and provide background information.
  • Upload images and documents to the task. These can be sorted by upload date.
  • Record additional reports of the same bug in the comments section.
  • Update custom fields and tags as necessary throughout the process.

Verify and close out the task

After the bug is fixed by a developer, it’s ready to be verified. As a best practice, we recommend establishing a verification process to ensure that everything is resolved as expected prior to release.

All you need are some simple steps:

  1. Create a custom task field to convey bug status with values: in progress, verify, complete.
  2. Set task status to in progress when the task is assigned to a developer.
  3. When the developer’s assignment is completed and marked done, change task status to verify.
  4. Assign the task to someone in QA, or another workspace member who will verify the bug is resolved. As a new owner on the task, the tester will be notified that work was assigned.
  5. Once the fix has been tested and verified, change status to complete.
  6. Mark the task done.


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Running Effective Meetings with LiquidPlanner Mon, 21 Mar 2016 13:14:10 +0000 Meetings are an inevitable part of our everyday working life. Effective, productive meetings let you work through complex issues face-to-face

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Meetings are an inevitable part of our everyday working life. Effective, productive meetings let you work through complex issues face-to-face and move projects forward. Unfocused, unnecessary, soul-crushing meetings just take time away from actually getting the work done.

While your LiquidPlanner workspace is a really great place to keep a record of project status when it comes to remaining effort, budget, comments, etc., it’s not meant to replace the kind of meetings that are needed to get the project team on the same page. Using LiquidPlanner to plan and run meetings will help you and all of your attendees focus on the truly important conversations. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use LiquidPlanner to drive four types of meetings: The Project Kickoff, The Status Update, The One-on-One, and The Stakeholder Briefing.

Making the Most of Your Time

First off, review the 10 meeting best practices below. You might already be familiar with the list, but it bears repeating:Meetings

  1. Decide if you really need the meeting – this is number one for a reason!
  2. Set an agenda and time limit
  3. Choose your audience wisely
  4. Organize the information
  5. Start on time
  6. Be engaging and encourage participation
  7. Keep it on track
  8. Keep it professional
  9. Sum it up
  10. Finish on time

Learn more about each of these tips in more detail in our blog post, 10 Tips for Effective Meetings.

Using LiquidPlanner to Run Meetings

Here are a few types of meetings where using LiquidPlanner will help you set an agenda and run an organized, focused meeting:

The Project Kickoff

If you’re working on a large-scale project, kickoff meetings help all team members understand their roles within the scope of a project.

Prior the meeting, put the project specifications in writing and make sure it’s available to everyone involved. We use the Google Drive integration and add a Google Doc to the documents section of a task in LiquidPlanner. This way, team members can always access the current version.


Then, create checklist items and assign them to the members that must review the doc before the meeting.


Finally, display your workspace during the kickoff meeting and run through the plan on the Projects tab with the project team. This helps everyone become familiar with how the project is structured in LiquidPlanner and how it’s prioritized in the context of their other work.

Review the plan

Here are a few other tips for your project kickoff:

  • Make sure that everyone understands priorities, ownership, and the timeline as you go through the plan in LiquidPlanner.
  • Get input from the project team, especially with regard to effort estimates, and make updates to the plan during the meeting so that you can see the impact to the project’s schedule as a group.
  • Keep it short, simple, and fun – you want to start your project off with a happy team and high morale!

The Status Update

With LiquidPlanner, you can see real time status at any time. So instead of getting a recap from each person on the team, status meetings can be used to focus on real issues. Face-to-face communication with your team at regularly scheduled intervals also keeps up the momentum of the project and promotes team communication and accountability. These meetings should be short – around 30 minutes – and are used to align the team on progress, challenges, and next steps. And, if relevant problems are identified and good decisions are made, your team will recognize the meeting as productive, instead of a waste of their time.

Create a recurring partial-day event in LiquidPlanner and add the attendees to account for the meeting time in the schedule. Use the notes section of the event to document any important conversations or keep a decision log.

Here’s how to use a project dashboard to facilitate open communication during a project status meeting:

  • Click on View Project Dashboard in the edit panel to show the real time schedule and data for the project.
  • Review the Project View widget as a group to confirm that the schedule is on track. By default, the widget’s plan depth will be set to Top Level, but change this to Full Plan and increase the max rows to see all of the tasks within the project. If any active tasks have [?] or 0h-0h as the Remaining [E], ask each task owner for an updated estimate and add it during the meeting by simply opening the edit panel for the item within the dashboard. Or, if the work was actually completed, remind the team that they must track time and mark tasks done in order for the project schedule to be accurate.
  • Pay special attention to any risk alerts that you see. If a deadline is at risk, this is a good time to find out if there is anything blocking your team members’ work and what can be done to get the project back on track.
  • Congratulate the team on their steady progress by calling attention to the Hours Logged donut widget.
Project Dashboard

Read our guide, What is the current status of my project?, for more information.

The One-on-One

Managers who have regular one-on-one meetings with team members get an improved sense of what their resources need to get the job done. Team members, on the other hand, get focused attention on work goals and career development. Plus, the opportunity to build rapport, get people aligned with project visions and understand their purpose also increases performance and engagement.

If you’re a team member, these meetings are in many ways for you. Here are a few ways you can use LiquidPlanner to guide the conversation with your manager:

  • Pull up your My Work task list and run through your priorities. This will help you arrive prepared with a list of topics, ask those pressing questions, share your accomplishments, and get any advice or direction you need to move forward or feel inspired again.
  • Run a Personal Status Report from the Home tab to show your overall progress and/or planned work over a specific date range, like last week or a 3 week window.
  • Create your own view with a custom dashboard and add widgets to show what you’ll be working on and what you’ve recently completed. You can add donut widgets to show personal progress and note widgets to document your goals or keep track of important topics that you discuss during your one-on-one. See the Dashboard Gallery for more ideas.
  • Run the Resource Workload report, filter to yourself and select a timeframe. Use this report to view all of your assigned work across all projects in the workspace. Pay attention to workload bars displaying in red indicating that something you’re assigned to in the selected timeframe is at risk of missing a deadline. This report will help highlight when you’re overbooked or when you may have available hours to take on new work.

The Stakeholder Briefing

Presenting to executive sponsors and stakeholders strikes fear into the hearts of PMs everywhere. Whether you’re sharing project status, requesting approval for funding, or providing an update on a newly introduced risk, these types of meetings are a regular part of your work life. The most important thing to remember is that senior leadership requires different information than your team. As long as your presentation is focused and relevant to your audience, you have nothing to fear!

Portfolio Dashboard

Use dashboards and reports as supporting visuals during your stakeholder updates:

  • A pre-built Portfolio Dashboard is a good place to start, but be sure to add more widgets to show the data that you know your stakeholders are interested in.
  • Use the Projects View widget to talk about the current timeline at the project level.
  • Add a Trend Chart widget to show show overall progress compared to the estimated scope (total [E]) over time.
  • Call attention to any risks in the Projects at Risk table widget and be prepared to give a short explanation of what you’re doing to address those risks.
  • Pull up a saved Baseline Analytics report that you created to show how projects are operating compared to the scope at a specific date in the past.
Baseline Analytics

See our 4-part guide, Using LiquidPlanner Data to Monitor and Control Your Projects, for more information.

Note: Advanced Analytics and Dashboards are available with the Professional and Enterprise plans only. For additional pricing plan details, please see our Pricing page.


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Full-Day and Partial-Day Events
Personal Status Report

The post Running Effective Meetings with LiquidPlanner appeared first on LiquidPlanner.
