(Pre-Spring 2021)

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Introduction to Plan Items

To represent project work in LiquidPlanner, you’ll use plan items and attributes that have unique purposes.

Use the plan items below to build your project plan on the Projects tab. These items can be created from the Add Menu:

Package Icon
Packages are containers that hold work. Packages serve two purposes:

    1. Organize projects:  Packages provide structure to the workspace and are useful for organizing projects.  Set up packages to organize projects by “Active” and “Pending”, or group projects by team, product line, or client vs. operational.  Agile teams can use packages to plan their sprints.
    2. Override task priority:  Packages allow you to create schedule overrides for tasks across all of your active projects. You can do this by pulling up tasks from multiple concurrent projects to a high-priority package, like ASAP. This allows you to schedule tasks from different projects in the order they need to be completed.
Project Folder Icon
Blue Project folders hold lists of tasks and they represent initiatives in the workspace.  Many projects are time-sensitive, like the launch of a new website, but some teams might run ongoing projects with no deadline.
Sub-Folder Icon
Sub-folders (grey folders) can be used to break down a project into distinct phases or stages.
Task Icon
Tasks are the basic building blocks of the plan and represent an action item or actual work that needs to be done. LiquidPlanner uses the best and worst-case estimates on tasks to build the schedule.  Estimating and logging time to tasks consistently is essential to keeping the schedule up to date.
Calendar Icon
Use full-day events to represent vacations or holidays and partial-day events to represent meetings that start and end at specific times. Partial-day events may even be set to recur at regular intervals.
Milestone Icon
Milestones have no effort associated with them and are used to mark fixed dates in the plan. For example, a focus group that must happen on a specific day might be represented with a milestone.
Backlog Package Icon
Backlog Packages are useful for organizing and storing items that you do not want to impact your schedule, such as your product backlog, projects awaiting approval, project templates, or ongoing tasks.  Work within a backlog package is on hold and unscheduled

Use the attributes below to capture information that can be used to filter and report on project data:

Associating projects to Clients allows team members to filter and report by client.  There is no limit to the number of clients in the workspace, though a project may only have one client associated to it.
Custom Field Icon
Add Custom Project Fields and Custom Task Fields to categorize work in LiquidPlanner. Custom field types include Pick List, Text, and Date fields. Pick List custom fields have fixed values which can be filtered on the projects tab, in dashboards, and analytics. Text and Date values can be added directly on the edit panel of a task or project.
Tag Icon 1
Use Tags to link related content and categorize work.  Filter by tag on the Projects tab, and filter and report on tags in Analytics and Dashboards.
Activities Icon
Activities allow workspace members to categorize their logged hours, and classify work as billable or non-billable.  It’s possible to filter and report by activity, and activities also appear in plan and timesheet exports.
Team Icon
Add Teams to the workspace and associate workspace members to their respective teams from the People tab.  It’s possible to filter and report by team, and comment directly @ an entire team.  There’s no limit to the number of teams in a workspace, but members can only be associated to one team.
Checklist Icon
Use Checklists to capture reminders or small action items that need to be done as part of a task, Milestone, Full-Day, or Partial Day Event.