(Pre-Spring 2021)

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Building Integrations Using Zapier

Zapier is a Webapp-Automation Service which enables you to easily automate tasks between two online apps, such as LiquidPlanner, Salesforce, Gmail and hundreds more.

With Zapier there’s no need to wait for developers to write code. You can set up your integrations, “Zaps”, within minutes by configuring the trigger in one app and defining the action in another app via the graphical Zap editor.

A Zap is basically a blueprint for a task you want to do over and over like this:
Trigger:  when a new thing happens in app X
Action:  do this other thing in app Y

When setting up your Zap, you can pick the data you want to send from one app to the other and add filters to execute the action only when data meets specified criteria. Zapier checks your trigger regularly for new data and automatically performs the action.

All you need to get started is a trial Zapier account which allows you to integrate LiquidPlanner with most apps (some premium apps require a paid subscription). The rest is pretty much as easy as selecting the right options from drop-down menus. Learn more about getting started from this article on Zapier’s website. Modify some existing popular Zaps or create your own from scratch.

Here are a few examples of what you can achieve with a Zap:

  • When a developer adds a new issue in JIRA, create a new task in LiquidPlanner. Pass the Description from JIRA into Notes field in LiquidPlanner.
    • Use New Issue trigger in JIRA and Create a Task action in LiquidPlanner.
  • When a new comment is added to a task in LiquidPlanner, send a message to the appropriate Slack channel.
    • Use New or Changed Comment trigger in LiquidPlanner and Send Channel Message action in Slack.
  • When a task is marked done in LiquidPlanner, add a comment to the corresponding ticket in Zendesk and change the ticket’s status to “Solved”.
    • Use New or Changed Task trigger in LiquidPlanner and Update Ticket action in Zendesk.

Below is a list of triggers and actions currently available for the LiquidPlanner app:

New or Changed Client Add a Comment to an item
New or Changed Comment Create Activity
New or Changed Document Create Checklist Item for a Task
New or Changed Package Create a Partial Day Event
New or Changed Project Create a Dependency
New or Changed Task Create a Folder
Create a Link for an Item
Create a Milestone
Create a Note for an Item
Create a Package
Create a Project
Create a Task
Create an Estimate for a Task
Create an Event
Send Clear Timer
Send Item Move After Command
Send Item Move Before Command
Send Start Timer
Send Stop Timer
Send Track Time
Send Track Time via a Timer
Trigger Accept Timesheet
Trigger Un-Accept Timesheet
Trigger Submit Timesheet
Trigger Un-Submit Timesheet
Update a Checklist Item
Update a Comment
Update a Link
Update a Milestone
Update a Partial Day Event
Update a Task
Update an Event