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How Does the LiquidPlanner Scheduling Engine Work?

resource scheduling engine | LiquidPlanner

Here’s what makes LiquidPlanner different from other project management tools on our market: our scheduling engine.

And why is that?

At a high level, it’s because uncertainty and risk are built into project schedules. We replaced hard (and often unreachable) deadlines with ranged estimates based on real-world best/worst case scenarios. Also, our schedule is priority-driven, which means that priorities are reflected in your schedule. And each time a change is made—from re-prioritizing work, an updated estimate or shifting resources—the schedule is always recalculating itself then updating predictive finish date ranges, and all in real time.

That’s why we like to say that LiquidPlanner produces the most realistic project schedules on the planet.

If you want more of the technical details, CTO and cofounder Jason Carlson talks about how the scheduling engine was built—in two takes, mind you!—and what’s inside the magic behind LiquidPlanner’s humanistic and reliable planning tool.

This is the fourth blog in a 9-part video series featuring LiquidPlanner CTO and co-founder Jason Carlson. These short clips tell the story of creating LiquidPlanner and share Jason’s insider expertise on creating the only resource-driven scheduling engine on the market and what makes our unique Dynamic Project Management unique.

What to learn more about how our cool scheduling engine works? LiquidPlanner is the only predictive scheduling engine on the market. And managing uncertainty is our specialty. To learn more read our white paper, Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Technical Projects: The LiquidPlanner Approach.

managing risk and uncertainty

Tatyana Sussex coaches entrepreneurs and professionals who are launching a business or reinventing their careers–in short, she guides people through the process of creating something new. She specializes in messaging coaching for entrepreneurs who want to develop their brand, voice and professional presence, get their story into the world and connect with the right people.


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